

This is haru from NY.
Hope you will be fine there.

Today I'm going to write my daily and what I think recently.
Here is getting chilly than last month.
but people from Japan often told me
''I think here is much better than Japan."
"NO WAY!It must be enough cold absolutely....."

I have to make a schedule for my last vacation which is from Feb to May.
I don't know why,really being upset.. because my departure time is coming soon?

Anyway that's my intention is like this.
First of all,want to get job with English toward trip in next Feb
secondly doing internship for Fashion week at the same time,
and then go to Trip somewhere EU,Miami or Boston ?!
But is it able to do even though i don't have enough money???
Do I win the temptation to give up my greedy?
You know,it's coming soon "Christmas sale"!
You can see beautiful outrageous window display which is illuminated for christmas that I never seen when you go out.They will make me so crazy.....

Now its time to go to bed.
Im looking forward to see HIRASAWA in next Jan!
must be exciting yey!

see you soon!