
Im going to write down about yesterday.

I went to the store which is one of my favorite in Chelsea
after doing internship that resarch for new pop up store which is called H&M Dragon Tattoo Collection by Trish Summerville.

They already had been sale for Christmas like 50 %off and took additional 30% off!!
At first,I was going to intend to stand because didnt have enough money,
but you see....I couldnt avoid my temptation of purchase.
what i bought were a coat with dot and a creamy hand Knit sweater.Im gonna put on pics later on!it was delightful all!!!!
im certain that nobody stop me to get something especially in this season in NY when i start to do!
Oh...boy....actually I had a very good time and got enough surtisfaction finally.

Anyway today we learned about "nature is calling" and "answer the call of nature ".
Do you know this mean?
the context is just to go bath room!!lol
it was so funny because didnt know that!
when I use that word,always say "PP".you can say 'NO2'also.but Nature is calling is more casual...my teacher taught.
but how can i use!?when?for who?!?!
sometimes English can be crazy and really hard to learn.
there are many figurative expression that even though native speaker never know.
I have to study more harder and then after that will make me comfortable...

There is one more that i want to write.
I realized interesting something that generally Asian people who is especially Japanese,Korean and chinese is really strict about go dutch.But the other one is lenient comparatively...
so this is what happened.
When i had borrowed my Korean Friend some money,she told me to pay back when we met immediately the day next
on the other hand,another one said me dont need to pay back!![it was like $3]

There may be no difference there.It could be just because ''personality''

I suppose that culture shock is so interesting that we can't predict it and don't have any experience .